To clarify the Human Design Maya Mechanics inspired, New Solar Year 'wish card' pdf file below: The astronomical distribution of planetary positions across the so-called
Rave Mandala for this new year shows a preponderance in the Realm of Sirius. It is located in the upper quarter of the circle. The planets progress counter clockwise
from constellation to constellation, i.e. through the Houses of the Zodiac starting in
this particular realm half way through Scorpio-Sagittarius-Capricorn-mid-Aquarius.
It's the so-called Quarter of Transformation -- the mystical theme here is the acceptance of death (and subsequently, rebirth). The yearly Solar Return chart is indicative of the global mood and trends impacting and potentially being enlivened
by the human collective over the next 13 Lunar months.
In the context of the astrological progression through the
House of Aquarius:
If you would like to order a personal Human Design keynote reading, in-depth analysis, your own solar return consultation and/or any of my other
consulting services, such as Tarot Mapping, please click here:
Terra ~ Sun in Capricorn Tarot Mapping
12-layered progression from Dec 24 to Jan 7
